Mother Courage and Her Children - Nine Songs

The link below opens the score for the music I wrote for the February 2019 production of Mother Courage and Her Children by the Ubuntu Theater Project, directed by Emilie Whelan. Specifically, these are the nine songs in the play which Brecht includes the lyrics for, without music.

In this particular production, there was only one professional musician (an accordion player) hired for the performances, and she only played on three of the nine songs. The cast members—of which vey few had any musical training—served as the “band” for the production. I am exceedingly grateful to the cast members for their energies and collaboration in bringing these songs to life.

Three important notes here: 1) as is the contractual requirement when doing music for any Brecht show, any music written for the show which uses Brecht’s text as lyrics belongs to the Brecht estate; 2) as such, there is no recording of this music and I am not presenting it here on this website as “mine”—I do not own the rights to this score and it is presented here only as an extension of my own CV; and 3) for similar reasons, I have not included any of the sound design cues or interstitial audio that I created for the play.

Score for Mother Courage and Her Children

Lyrics from the play by Bertolt Brecht, translated by Tony Kushner - Music by Eric Schultz